Chapter 11: Poetry, Poetry, Just Pure Poetry

For the Day of Trouble

How the Lord delivered me from severe depression and my own hypocrisy.

There’s a War Going On

There’s a war going on and we have to act fast!
There’s another one down, did you see that blast?
Call in the sergeants, colonels and troops!
Call the armed forces, and all the recruits!
For Satan is having too often his way,
With lies and deceptions on people today!
There is a famine of truth in the land,
The knowledge of God, that we all need at hand!
Oh, where are those experienced to wield
The sword of the Spirit, and faith’s powerful shield?
Where are those who are given to pray,
Then follow God’s word, and trust and obey?
God tells the older to train up the younger,
But many today, for God’s Word do hunger!
Many don’t know that they have the right
To call out to God to help with their fight!
Rise up oh Daniels, and Esthers and Ruths!
Rise up oh brave ones who stand for the truth!
Calling all saints to stand ‘gainst the tide,
Of a culture so lost and doomed by its pride!
Oh, who will come and help others to know
Just where to find hope, so that they can grow
In this old world that’s getting so dark
Will any more rise to leave their life’s mark?
There’s a war going on, and we have to act fast!
There’s another one down, did you see that blast?
Call in the sergeants colonels and troops,
Call the armed forces, and all the recruits!
(Oh look at the children! There’s Sally and Sam…
Will they turn out like Hitler, or the next Billy Graham?!

The Spiritual Dance

The hip bone’s connected to the thigh bone,
But my heart is connected to my mind’s thrown!
The one who I worship sets my life’s tone,
As I’m doing the spiritual dance!
Mourning with Hope
Mourning with hope,
Lord show me how…
As unto your Lordship,
Broken I bow.
Mourning with hope,
Teach me, I pray –
To surrender this loss
And trust You today!

Oh Lord, It’s Hard to Stay Humble

Oh Lord, it’s hard to stay humble
When I think I know more they do…
Oh Lord, it’s hard to stay humble
When I feel like I’ve grown, it’s true!
But I need your help dear Jesus,
To keep this charade that I play!
For Lord, why do I feel empty
When I know every verse that You say?
What’s that You say, oh dear Jesus…
I forgot those verses on pride!?
Could that be my problem dear Jesus,
For why I’m not right deep inside!?
Oh Lord I feel so much better
When I put you back where you should be!
As my own God and my Savior,
The One who can help even me!!!!


Ever wonder why you weren’t born in 1403?
thirty seven hundred BC?
The answer lies in Acts 17,
And I’m not doing this just to be mean,
But if you want to know, You’ll have to look,
Because it’s a good thing to be in the Book!

Get a Clue

Just knowing what our God said made me feel SO cool!
I could quote chapter and verse and every single rule!
And when I saw you break them, I was good at telling you
All that you were doing wrong, and just what to do!
Then the good Lord taught me, though stubborn like a mule,
He saw the problem that I had… changed me through and through…
Now my life is like a field trip that I used to have in school,
So I can learn what God says, and finally get a clue!

There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Lie

There was an old lady who swallowed a lie,
I don’t know why she swallowed a lie,
Perhaps she’ll die!
Something inside her was wrong, it was clear,
As that lie did its job, and thus produced fear!
She wrestled with fear when she swallowed the lie,
I don’t know why she swallowed a lie,
Perhaps she’ll die!
After that happened she wasn’t the same,
for the fear that she had, then produced shame!
Her shame that she felt, from her fear it did come,
Which came from the lie- Boy was that dumb!
I don’t know why she swallowed a lie,
Perhaps she’ll die!
That’s when the lady wised up and saw
Her problems had been her very own fault!
Because that old lady had had quite enough
Turmoil and trials that had been really tough!
As she told the Lord of her sin and her shame,
About her mistake which had caused so much pain,
That’s when the lady learned on truth to then feed,
Instead of those lies – and then she was freed!
Praise the Lord, she’s not going to die!

Pop Quiz Time

It’s pop quiz time – this is a test,
so don’t get shook and don’t you fret!
For God know where and when is best
He works in ways we don’t expect!
But all God does, is done in love,
with perfect timing, from above!

A Bit of Pride

A bit of pride can puff you up, Ask me how I know…
A little bit is quite enough Just like yeast in dough!
A little pride can blind me from every sin I have-
Though obvious to everyone Boy, that makes me mad!
I guess I need a mirror Lord To show me my inside,
Though part of me would rather think that I’m dignified!

Hard to Get

Playing hard to get with God, might not be very wise.
Playing hard to get with God might cost you your life.
God likes it when it is the truth upon which we insist
To hear and see and understand, and know why we exist.
For He’s the lover of our soul, we bear His own image
His heart’s purest deep desire is that we each are His!
It is up to you each of us to choose what we’ll believe,
If our God is bad or good… if Jesus we’ll receive.

Our Unseen Enemy

Our unseen enemy, the one who causes fear
Is one who’d rob us of this life, that we hold so dear!
Not only in the here and now, but beyond the grave
Unless we find Christ as our Lord, whom our lives can save.

Medium Rare

For what do you seek from the Lord, a “Well done!”?
Or are you living “Medium rare” for God’s Son?
The Lord said He’d rather we were cold or hot,
So chose you this day to believe Him or not!


I know my plans, oh yes the plans, the plans I have for me,
I know my plans, I do Lord, I adore them to a T!
I spend a lot of time thinking on them and just how life will be!
OH NO! OH NO! What happened?! God, did you say NO?
I hadn’t planned for this event, and I hate it so!
I’m crushed and bruised and broken, more than you can know!
I feel so very out of sorts as my life You redirect,
How is it that You’re good, Lord? This I can’t detect!
Such lies have taken over, my hope they do infect!
Is it up to me, Lord? To let You take control?
I’m sure you know my own plans and how I loved them so!
Help me now be willing, to trust You and let go!


It’s not how well I’d been serving… nor how much I knew.
My problem was trusting His words, I love you!

Satisfied With That

I used to read the Bible and be satisfied with that,
Thought trying to be moral was really where it’s at!
But still within my heart of hearts, I was unfulfilled
Until I learned the lesson of by faith, not works to yield!


I like rewards, I like rewards,
What kind of rewards would that be?
What kind of rewards does God promise to those
Who seek Him diligently?
Oh, if you’ve never sought God,
I know you’ll be glad if you do…
For God has much more than just Heaven
that He wants to give you!

We’ve Already Had Pandemics

We’ve already had pandemics all throughout the earth
When Eve and Adam gave way, and to sin gave birth…
But God’s Son came to save us! (Take THAT for what it’s worth!!)

I Used to Be Able to Worry

I used to be able to worry with the best of them!
I used to be able to keep right up! That’s how I have been!
Losing sleep, and biting my nails are old habits of mine,
But as I grow in Jesus, I’m losing this race, I find!

The Tears We’ll Cry

I wonder if any tears that we’ll cry
(The ones in heaven, God says He will dry)
Will be for times we just then discover
The chances we missed to love one another?!
Opportunities past, we had when we lived
to humble ourselves, extend grace and forgive.
So if you are able to still make amends,
Redeem your time well – and prepare for the end!

Is This a Day?

Is this a day, where the only way
That you will make it is to trust in your faith?
Is this a day where the only way
That you will make it, is to rest in God’s grace?
Forcing yourself to go through the motion
of believing on God, though void of emotion?
Finding a verse upon which to hold tight,
And clinging to it, with all of your might?
Oh, THESE are the most precious of days
To come to know Christ in the deepest of ways!!
For if we hold fast, and choose to believe
despite all the darkness, then we shall see
God’s faithful healing, just as the sun
Break forth in the morning, when darkness is done!

Still Spinning

Seeing the world is still spinning
When your world just seems to stop,
Points to how faithful our God is,
which sure can help us a lot!

Know Anyone?

Do you know anyone who is sold out to Jesus?
Do you know anyone who does bear His fruit?
Think hard and think fast- do you know anyone?
Send me their number, they sound like fun!

Again and Again

If you’ll allow me, here is an insight
That makes you think- if that is alright…
Why do the most unrepentant of men
Swear just who God is, again and again?

Tested Positive

When I went into the doctor, I was frightened when he said,
My child I must tell you, you’ve tested positive!
When to your heart I listened, that was when that I could tell
The symptoms of your unbelief, is why you don’t feel well!
All those fears and doubts that are deep down in there
Are really very serious, and difficult to bear!
So if you will allow me to tell you what to do,
Take 2 verses on the hour, for the whole day through!
I think that you’ll feel better, and yes, so very soon –
If you let them do their work, even then by noon!
If you stay right up with it, and this habit do not stop,
Then you’ll soon be viewing this world from right on top!

The Straight and Narrow

Let me run this race with endurance,
Let me run this race as to win!
Let me run this race with Christ Jesus,
And overcome all of my sin!
Let me know when You I’m not pleasing,
Help me unload both burden and weight
That You don’t want me to carry,
Until I enter Your gate!