Chapter 3: Ever Feel Like Humpty Dumpty, That No One Could Help??

For the Day of Trouble

How the Lord delivered me from severe depression and my own hypocrisy.

To Be Okay Again

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again!
But the Prince of all Healing heard Humpty’s dear cry
And the God of Compassion, with a tear in His eye
Felt Humpty’s pain and in love drew near,
Saying, “Never give up! And please do not fear!”
For if Humpty would trust and just lean upon Him,
His adventure of healing, soon would begin!
As Humpty considered his alternatives,
He knew nothing else had helped him to live.
He wisely decided to trust in this God,
And each time he did, he felt rather odd
As any semblance of hope that had gone away,
Started to grow and with him did stay!

Have you ever felt that broken? Felt like screaming, “God! How in the world could You let this happen?!” “How can it be true that You love me! This just doesn’t make sense!!” Or maybe you have felt too weak to even cry out… like your inside is dying and you feel you need some sort of spiritual CPR like I have?

There is good news, friends! Do you know why Christ came? “Jesus came to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound… and comfort those who mourn.”[1]

Now when I read that verse, after what I have been through… I can’t help think about how the man in Jack London’s story, The Call of the Wild, won over the love and affection of the dog who’d been so abused and pitted in dog fights. I can’t help but think of the moment how that man’s patience, understanding and love eventually broke through!

Come Along with Me

I think you’d be amazed at how caring our God is,
The perfect loving Father who wants you to be His!
I think you’d be amazed at how gentle God can be,
If you’ve never felt His touch, come along with me!
Here are just some of the verses, of the Word of God, the dear, precious sword of the Spirit… that I held me through in dark times…

“I would have lost heart unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!”, Psalm 27:13,14

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”, 2 Corinthians 1:3,4

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.”, Isaiah 43:2

When you read the many, many Psalms where David was so broken, you may notice that once he decides to place his faith in Christ, he is strengthened. Have you ever heard of the man full of demons in the Bible, who lived so very alone, naked in the cemetery, who ranted and raved, and couldn’t even be chained? Have you read how his life changed after just one encounter with Christ?[2]

To Every Man

To every man there openeth a high way and a low,
To every man the choice is given, which way that man will go.
To ask and seek and knock and find, is an honor due a king,
because that searched out matter will affect his everything.
To every man there openeth a high way and a low,
Have you heard what our God says, of how He loves you so?
Come along and hear of weapons I did find,
that helped my heart and my soul and gave me a right mind.

You Can’t be Overqualified

You can’t be overqualified
When it comes to sin and sickness –
You can’t be overqualified
In your need for God’s forgiveness!
if you need God’s “medication”
It is free for application
Just take as you’re directed –
And apply where you’re affected!
Beware – it brings the dead to life,
Eases pain and calms your strife,
Heals your hurts and sets you free –
Make sure to use quite generously!
Each of our results may vary –
We must give up the guilt we carry!
Guaranteed when used by faith,
Due to God’s amazing grace!
Beware – it brings the dead to life,
Eases pain and calms your strife,
Heals your hurts and sets you free –
Make sure to use quite generously!

When you read the many, many Psalms where David was so broken, you may notice that once he decides to place his faith in Christ, he is strengthened. Have you ever heard of the man full of demons in the Bible, who lived so very alone, naked in the cemetery, who ranted and raved, and couldn’t even be chained? Have you read how his life changed after just one encounter with Christ?[3]

The Lord knows we need to hear encouragements and maybe that’s why He tells us to share with one another the things that He has done for us, (NOT the things that WE have done)! Another resource if you’re not plugged into Christian fellowship to hear these testimonies on a firsthand account of answered prayer in others lives, another resource can be found on You Tube, The 700 Club: Healing Testimonies. Each a well-done documentary/drama, roughly 5 or 8 minutes long. Hear how over 400 people share how the Lord helped them when they needed Him most!

I just don’t know how hearing stories of how God answered prayer and met the need of the heart, can ever get old!!! As well as seeing God orchestrate events in your own life to lead you and guide you and heal you in life!


It is the very truth of God that sets the captive free.
It is the very truth of God that makes the blind to see.
It is the very truth of God that breathes life unto the dead,
It is the very truth of God, who loved us as He bled.
He bled upon that cross of old o heal our lives today
Though the power of God’s spoken word has seen no such decay
As has man’s thoughts and stubborn will which struggles to survive
Resisting our God from above, who came to give us life.
Ruthless is the foe of God and evil is his goal,
Tormenting hearts while bodies live, to try to get their soul.
God’s truth is but so near to us, it is the only key!
Call to Christ by prayer, in faith, and He will rescue thee!

Let the Gold Rush Start Today

In which market do you invest?
Eternal proceeds are the best!
For in God’s word, we all are told
Faith’s more precious than pure gold!
The kind of treasure we will seek
When we stand at Judgment’s seat…
The kind of faith that helps us know
that only God’s love makes us whole!
So let the gold rush start today!
God please help me, I do pray
to seek the gold- not that of fools,
But the type that I can’t lose!
I want to invest all that l’ve got
Into the right kind of stock!
So where is it I get more faith?
In God’s Word, for goodness’ sake!